Monday, October 18, 2010

On Edge and Uptight

Lately I have been uptight! Everything seems to rub me the wrong way and I can't help but tell people how I feel. I am usually a quiet individual who keeps my thoughts and opinions to myself but the past two weeks have revealed a "tell it how it is" Jen who just can't keep her emotions at bay. I feel like I am constantly think "duh, how dumb can some people get!" And if I don't like somthing, I am going to let you know that it bothers me.

So please, if you are a victim of my recent uptight nature, I apologize. I don't dislike anyone, in fact I love everyone in my life right now, I am just having one of those weeks. I am sure that it will soon subside but if you have any suggestions on how to manage my need to tell people what I think, let me know, I am definitely ready to let bygons be bygons and mind my own business.

Have A Happy Monday!

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